Oz Arts - Philip Noakes Review   

Oz Arts – Philip Noakes Review



PHILIP NOAKES Review in Oz Magazine

Sculptural Silver at the University of Western Australia
Philip Noakes is recognised as one of the outstanding contemporary jewellers, goldsmiths, and silversmiths working in this country. Over many decades he has earned a reputation as a consummate craftsman and a highly original and innovative artist within the expanded world of metal craft.
From his early study for the technically demanding four-year full-time Diploma in the Design and Craftsmanship of Silversmithing at Sir John Cass College of Art London in 1972 he has taken opportunities as they arose and initiated them when they didn’t, thus fashioning his practice to be constantly reflexive to the changing environment in which he finds himself. While at ‘The Cass’ Philip remembers the excitement of seeing works by David Hockney, René Magritte, Andy Warhol, Lucie Rie, Hans Coper and Henning Koppel.

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